Common Name: Samurai Harem
Alternative Names: Asu no Yoichi!, Ashita no Yoichi!
Score: 6/10, 4/5
Length: 12 episodes
Genre: Action, Comedy, Harem, Romance, Martial Arts
Summary: Due to the years of his youth spent in the mountains training his martial skills, Karasuma Yoichi is socially inept to an unbelievable degree. So, when he moves to the city to train and live with another sword master and friend of his father, things get difficult fast as it turns out the dojo he will be staying with is run by a family with only daughters to carry on the family legacy. Now Yoichi must fight protect those he cares from from outside threats and himself from those he cares about.
Review: A wholly unremarkable harem show filled with samurai and wacky characters. In all honesty, I don't remember too much about the show, other than it being a predictable, formulaic, and stupid gag comedy with enough laughs to make the experience enjoyable. It is, however, nothing new when considered alongside other "harem" titles, but that doesn't make it absolutely worthless--just close enough to it that I decided to nearly wipe it from my memory entirely.