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Anime Review: Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara

Common Name: Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara

Alternative Names: I've Had Enough of Being a Magical Girl

Score: 6/10, 2/5

Length: 2 Seasons of 12 Short form episodes

Genre: Magical Girl, Comedy, Ecchi

Summary: After rescuing the poor, unfortunate mascot character from a miserable end, Hanami Yuzuka is turned into a magical girl as thanks. There are no more enemies for magical girls to fight though so it's mostly just a honorary position. Unfortunately for Yuzuka, being a magical girl and using her powers also being forced to wear a two-piece swimsuit which she is understandably embarrassing for a girl her age. So, now it's up to Yuzuka to figure out if there's anything silver-lining to her decision to save the insufferable and pervy winged-rat Miton.

Review: I'm...not a fan of this show, to put it mildly. It's just a weird title that doesn't really know what it wants in life. One moment it's a cutesy friendship anime featuring an awkward girl and her best friend, Sakagami Chiya, who might be harboring some romantic interests for Yuzuka. The next, things get a little...exploitation-y with its underage cast.

Is this a kid show?

While Miton always gets his comeuppance for the numerous inappropriate comments he makes. That doesn't mean he shuts up though, so he basically turns into the show's punching bag. The thing is, Miton isn't the only one who pervs on Yuzuka. While Chiya does beat on Miton for his inappropriate comments as well, she usually does it for giving voice to her own desires. Luckily for Yuzuka, she's not exactly alone in her suffering. There is at least one other magical girl in town who is interested in being her friend without any ulterior motives. She doesn't mind her magical girl outfit, and is content to just use her powers for random convenience. With another magical girl comes another magical mascot character, or more accurately another punching bag for Chiya.

Seriously, what is the point of this show?

While I get that this show is supposed to be a wildly inappropriate parody on the magical girl genre, it isn't all that entertaining. While humorous when it makes comments about why the characters' parents are never around and other similar criticisms of the genre, the show never really sticks to a message. However, the show's bread and butter that is finding out the "gimmicks" of magical girls and subsequently perving on Yuzuka when she's clearly uncomfortable isn't actually all that amusing. It feels far too clinical and detached. Perhaps it's just a personal preference, but I'd take cracked out nonsense like Dai Mahou Touge over this show any day. Ignoring that personal preference though, I can't call it unwatchable or even cringe-worthy since I stayed for the second season, but it's definitely not my cup of tea.

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