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Anime Review: Stella no Mahou

Common Name: Stella no Mahou

Alternative Names: Magic of Stella, Stella's Magic

Score: 7/10, 4/5

Length: 12 Episodes

Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, School Life

Summary: Honda Tamaki has had an interest in art and making games ever since she was a child. Her art gave her a shared interest with her beloved father, and games allowed her to make friends with Fuda Yumine. So, upon enrolling in high school, the SNS club and their desire to make doujin (indie circle) games seemed like a natural fit for her. Now, she just needs to learn how to make actual games and adapt to the gamer culture and all the weirdness that comes with it.

Review: I don't know what it is about moe anime that appeals to me exactly. Sure, I like cute things but I'd take something meaningful and unique over cute any day, yet I always seem to watch at least one generic moe show each season. So, without further ado, Stella no Mahou is a generic moe anime about making games because of course we need a show that makes the seedy video games industry cute. To be fair though, this show does acknowledge that game creation is more about sun deprivation and Red Bull than it is sunshine and daises. In fact, that's pretty much this show's only gag since it's main character, Honda Tamaki, is absolutely oblivious of what she's gotten herself into.

To be fair, it was her decision to join and there were plenty of warning signs.

For all intents and purposes, Tamaki, is the quintessential straight man to this show's brand of comedy. Her character can be summed up as being a cute and innocent little girl who loves her father and drawing "cool older men" so much that it's only mildly discomforting. Aside from that little quirk, she's utterly oblivious to what it takes to make a game. So, for the most part, the show focuses on the self-depreciating humor that comes from the show's other cast members and from slowly exposing Tamaki to the filth of gaming culture. BL, ecchi, NTR, pretty much anything that's standard in the anime and gaming industry these days get's brought up at some point and elicits the same reaction from Tamaki and the rest of the cast every time.

It's strange that she never knew about BL though since her best friend is a rabid fujoshi.

When the show isn't going for these easy gags though, I'll admit it does have some merit. Tamaki, herself, is a likable and relatable character in spite of her naivete. Even though she knows nothing about making games, she's determined to get better at drawing and being of use to her fellow club members. In fact, she's well aware that she's one of the weakest links in the group and needs to work all that much harder just to keep up with them. On top of this though, in standard human fashion, she's also terrified of letting her friends down and never being good enough to replace their artist that graduated the year before.


So at least the show's grounded to reality every now and then because I don't know a single art person that doesn't have a moment of self doubt every now and then when it comes to the quality of their work. Hell, I sometimes agonize over writing these reviews for hours or days at a time before I actually post them. It's just kinda how the creative mind works. Self-depreciation aside, there's not a lot that this show has to offer. If you're into games or the creative process in general, you'll probably be bombarded with jokes you've heard before or made yourself but still enjoy once it's over. If you like moe, well, congrats; you've just found another show you can enjoy. In the end, Stella no Mahou is nothing particularly interesting or all that engaging. It doesn't overstay it's welcome and doesn't strive to be different in any meaningful way. It's just dumb, easy humor that at least makes for a good palate cleanser or a way to destress.

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