Common Name: Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Alternative Names: Kiss him, not me!
Score: 7/10, 4/5
Length: 12 Episodes
Genre: Comedy, Harem, School Life
Summary: Serinuma Kae is not just an otaku who loves anime characters more than real people, but she is also an avid fujoshi. In other words, she'd rather create gay fanfics about guys she knowns than date them herself. After a horrible tragedy, Serinuma returns to school as a very different person. Now she's the center of attention and a romantic interest for several of her classmates.
Review: This show is the absolute worst.

Yup, that should do it. Review done. Go home.
Fine, I guess I can at least try to explain why I despise this show on a conceptual level. To be clear, I am by no means some kind of social justice warrior, but this show just sets off some triggers for me. So, to explain, at the start of the show Serinuma Kae is overweight to the point of being comedic (for some reason) and spends her days watching anime and shipping guys in her class who aren't actually gay. She is, however, a generally nice person so she got along well with everyone. After her favorite anime character dies, she refuses to eat or leave her room for a week. After finally being forced to go to school, it's revealed that she's suddenly become drop-dead gorgeous and now every guy she secretly shipped wants to get with her. From this point on, the show turns into a gag comedy about how the guys all try to get closer to her at the same time.

Too bad they're all horrible people to some degree.
Oversimplification aside, the show's actually not awful. It has a few legitimately good gags and it somehow doesn't run them into the ground. While each of Serinuma's male and female suitors had their moments where they were absolutely god awful people and occasionally forced themselves on her, I can't say I absolutely hated them. After each of them had they're horrible person moment, they all just mellowed out while still pursuing her affections.

I say everyone, but Mutsumi-senpai is this show's cinnamon bun. Too pure for this world.
To be totally fair though, I suppose it's appropriate that trash deserves to be with trash. While I did say that Serinuma is a generally nice person, she is also a pretty awful person. She frequently endeavors to get her male fanboys to act like they were gay for her amusement, and even more so as an incentive to cheer her up. In spite of this though, she never takes any of them seriously despite their advances and obvious desire to be with her. Ever determined to be the princess who watches the princes make out, she even admits openly that she likes anime characters more than people and has a list of male waifus that she ranks above the living, breathing humans in her life--even those who legitimately care about her as a person. She might not do it out out malice, but objectification is still a negative regardless of gender.

Heh, it's funny cause everyone in this show is a terrible person, barring Mutsumi-senpai of course.
Alright, now it's time to be at least a little less biased. In all honesty didn't absolutely hate this show. It's worth a few good laughs and chuckles here and there, but isn't anything all that special. I never took notice of anything like animation or music, so I can at least say they weren't a detriment to the experience. What I think this can boil down to is that this show wasn't my cup of tea. If you're interested in...I think the term is lemons(?)...then this show might be for you. If you don't like harem animes or romantic gag comedies, avoid it like the plague.