Common Name: Keijo!!!!!!!!
Score: 7/10, 5/5
Length: 12 Episodes
Genre: Sports, Action, Comedy, Ecchi
Summary: In Japan there are only a few legal forms of gambling: slots, horse race betting, and now Keijo. Keijo is a sport fought on "land" in the middle of a pool using one's bust and butt--last one standing wins. Those who are the top of the top are referred to as Prize Queens, named for the large sums of money they win for each mach. Enticed by the money, Kaminashi Nozomi dreams of becoming a Prize Queen and take the world of Keijo by storm.
Review: Ok, before I start, yes, the show's name has 8 exclamation points in it. That isn't me being super excited for this show, even though I kinda am. Joking aside, this show was my guilty pleasure of the series because it is absolute stupidity incarnate. It's a sports action show that follows the usual arc. A nobody character makes friends, fights foes, has some crazy powerful technique, and turns into an absolute badass by the end of the series. It does not deviate from this formula even slightly. All the show does is make the experience fun and hilarious by taking the "sport" in Dead or Alive 3 Beach Volleyball and turning it into a reference-filled gag sport.

For once, I don't think I need to make comments with these images. How can you improve on perfection?
So, to summarize, Kaminashi Nozomi and her friend Miyata Sayaka join the world of Keijo at the same time. Nozomi joins because she apparently comes from a poor family, and wants the money associated with the title of Prize Queen. Sayaka joins to live a life of her own, even though she's already skilled martial artist like her father. These two, along with other newbies to the sport are, of course, required to train for a year before they can become professional keijo player. It is during this year of schooling that the show takes place, serving as a means of explaining the sport.

Seriously, why am I even bothering?
As time goes on Nozomi and Sayaka grow as pros-in-training, they discover their own techniques that'll make them stand out. For example, Nozomi learns to do the Rasengan with her butt and Sayaka...gives herself a wedgie to reduce her surface mass and thus move really fast...yup. Of course, they aren't the only ones with special techniques and killing moves. Like I said before, having at least one is a standard of the sport and some are stronger or more...referential than others.

Yep. That's a thing.
I seriously cannot stress how dumb this show is. It's dumb, goofy, and just a riot to watch. There's not even remotely enough meat to the show for me to try taking it seriously. Much like the tits and ass that fill every second of each episode, it's mostly fatty filler. The animation is solid. The art is good enough to not be a benefit or detriment to the experience. The show's music is there, but even though it's repetitive it never becomes an issue since it only really becomes noticeable during the tense action sequences. If you're still reading this, you clearly have some amount of interest, and I'm not even remotely capable of doing this show's absurdity justice, but alright, I'll close this "review" out with one last choice piece of comedy.