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Anime Recall: Black Blood Brothers

Common Name: Black Blood Brothers

Score: 7/10, 3/5

Length: 12 Episodes

Genre: Action, Comedy, Shounen, Supernatural, Vampire

Summary: During the Holy Wars of Hong Kong Mochizuki Jirou battled the Kowloon Children clan of vampires and slew them with his characteristic silver katana, earning him the title of "The Silver Blade." Now Jirou seeks to live a peaceful life with his younger brother, in one of the world's few "Special Zones" where black bloods (vampires) and red bloods (humans) coexist, without fear of the Kowloon Children's vengeance.

Review: Tolerably mediocre is something that always comes to mind when I think of this show. It's a pretty dated series by today's standards and was only engaging enough to warrant simple satisfaction. In fact, the only thing that makes this title even moderately interesting is the vagueness of the world and the connections shared between the characters. It's friendship and survival between "monsters" and people from the monster's perspective, and though Jirou is a pretty good guy he does have a dark and enigmatic past and future alike. I can't say I wholly recommend the title, but it certainly isn't unworthy of the little appreciation and attention it still gets.

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