Common Name: Asobi ni Iku yo!
Alternate Names: Let's go play!, Asobi ni Ikuyo: Bombshells from the Sky, Cat Planet Cuties
Score: 6/10, 5/5
Length: 12 episodes
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Action, Sci-fi, Harem, Aliens
Summary: Aliens have come to earth! These aren't the kind with gray skin or body parts that look or function like light bulbs though. These ones are a space fairing race of cat people, and their representative, the curvaceous Eris, has decided to make her base of operations in the home of one Kio Kakazu. Her arrival has brought with it some undesirable attention from some shady organizations as well as changes in Kio's romantic life.
Review: A bizzare, cringe-filled comedy with one of the weakest starts I've seen in animes, yet built itself up enough to end in a way I had never seen before and only one time since. The key word to describe the title though is simply this: mediocre. From the art to the story to the characters, nothing in this show is novel or even particularly interesting or compelling, save for it's ending. The only thing that gets this title moving and keeps the audience's interest is its romantic drama and the...strange alterations the show makes to the tried and true standards of the genres it engages.