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Hello, World....God, I am such a nerd

Hello, yo, guten tag, konichiwa, and bonjour. Now that I've gotten through saying hello in some of the languages I am intimately familiar with, those that beat me over the head for a number of years,

and ones I'm only passing acquaintances with, a general welcome!

Source: Binbou Shimai Monogatari

Well this is going wonderfully already.

I created this website as a fun little project due to the encouragement from a good friend of mine. At worst, I expect this to be fun. At best...well...I have no clue. As is stated on the little personal blurb, at the top of the blog's actual content page, reviewing anime and talking it out with friends of mine has essentially been a lifelong hobby. For years, I wrote cute little reviews on my Facebook page for any who would care to give pause while scroll through their Wall. Now, the previously mentioned friend flattered me enough to actually consider stepping up my game. Though I personally have no faith in my writing skills and think that no one should particularly care what I think about something we may both care about deeply, I figure I have nothing to lose except a lot of time and maybe a part of my soul if the devil comes a'knocking. So before I get into the what you as a reader can expect from me, the writer, I want to offer a personal thanks to all my friends who have humored this obnoxious fanboy over the years. Your praise and simple acknowledgement that my words and thoughts were reaching, and maybe even helping, people meant the world to me.

Now to get to what this site is actually about and what you can expect to see on it. To start, I will be reposting, en masse, my old reviews and score for things I have watched in the roughly 16 years I've been an actually sentient being. The ones before that don't matter...mostly. These first few dozens of posts will likely be bare, featuring little more than a score, in comparison to some of my more recent reviews. I also encourage the reader to not take these shorter reviews as seriously because they will be likely be my most biased, ill-informed, and misremembered pieces you will ever see here. My memory for a lot of shows from those years ago are vague at best. As I get to the newer things though, the pieces will be longer and hopefully have some kind of coherent argument that will explain my ratings.

After clearing out and updating the old records, my actual work on this site will begin in earnest. Expect to see full reviews, criticisms, witticisms, and personal commentary of the shows I come across from my massive backlog as well as new titles hitting the interwebs each season. To all my old friends, I hope you like the new look. To any unfortunate souls who stumble upon this thread by mistake, I hope you either find what you're actually looking for or find something worth reading here. Here's to new possibilities and the ultimate destruction of any humility I still possessed.


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