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Fall 2019 Season Summary
Finally, I have mastered the art of Photoshop wabi-sabi. Reminder: Any and all statements made in this post are solely representative of...

List Service: Poverty and Anime That Use It Effectively
As the old saying goes, everyone loves a good underdog story. From physical and mental disabilities to troubled home lives or a simple...

Anime Review: Cop Craft
Score: 4/10, 1/5 Length: 12 Episodes Genre: Drama, Action, Comedy, Mystery, Fantasy, Magic, Isekai, Ecchi Availibility: Available on...

Anime Review: O Maidens in Your Savage Season
Alternative Names: Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo., Maidens of the Savage Season Score: 7/10, 4/5 Length: 12 Episodes Genre: ...

Anime Review: Kanata no Astra
Alternative Names: Astra Lost in Space Scores: 10/10, 5/5 Length: 12 Episodes Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure, Mystery, Drama, Comedy...

Anime Review: Given
Common Name: Given Scores: 9/10, 5/5 Length: 11 Episodes Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy, Musical, Yaoi Availability: Available Subbed...

Season Summary: Summer 2019
Is it a bit much? Yes. Have I outdone myself? Hell yes. Reminder: Any and all statements made in this post are solely representative...

Shelf Life: Sweetness & Lightning
Those of you who have followed my anime reviews for a while now probably know this already but some of my favorite works are those that...

Return-to-Series: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Alternative Names: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind, JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze, Jojo's Bizarre...

Return-to-Series: One Punch Man 2
Alternative Names: One-Punch Man, One Punch-Man, OPM, OnePun Score: 7/10, 4/5 Overall Score: 8/10, 5/5 Length: 2 Seasons of 12...
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