Anime Review: Hinako NoteCommon Name: Hinako Note Score: 6/10, 4/5 Length: 12 Episodes Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life, Moe, Ecchi Summary: For most of her life...
Anime Review: SaekanoCommon Name: Saekano Alternative Names: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata, Saenai Kanojo no Sodatekata, How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend...
Anime Review: Renai BoukunCommon Name: Renai Boukun Alternative Names: Love Tyrant, the Very Lonely Tyrant of Love Score: 5/10, 1/5 Length: 12 Episodes Genre: ...
Anime Review: Busou Shoujo MachiavellianismCommon Name: Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism Alternative Names: Armed Girl's Machiavellianism Score: 6/10, 5/5 Length: 12 Episodes...
Anime Review: Oushitsu Kyoushi HaineCommon Name: Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine Alternative Names: The Royal Tutor Haine Score: 7/10, 5/5 Length: 12 Episodes Genre: Comedy...
Anime Review: Warau Salesman NewCommon Name: Warau Salesman New Alternative Names: Laughing Salesman New, Smiling Salesman New Score: 6/10, 5/5 Length: 12 Episodes...
Anime Review: TsugumomoCommon Name: Tsugumomo Score: 4/10, 5/5 Length: 12 Episodes Genre: Ecchi, Comedy, Action, Supernatural WARNINGS: Multiple scenes that...
Anime Review: Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid DragonCommon Name: Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Alternative Names: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Score: 8/10, 5/5 Length: 13 Episodes...
Anime Review: ClassicaLoidCommon Name: ClassicaLoid Score: 6/10, 4/5 Length: 25 Episodes Genre: Music, Magic, Comedy Summary: Otowa Kanae has inherited a...
Anime Review: Akiba's Trip The AnimationCommon Name: Akiba's Trip The Animation Score: 6/10, 2/5 Length: 13 Episodes Genre: Comedy, Action, Supernatural, Ecchi Summary: ...